During these unsettling times, it is a good idea to return to what we love, to give us solace in times of trouble. That means getting back to nature, for me. I trust that everyone is holing up at home and staying apart from others to hopefully defeat this virus. Linda and I have been staying at home except for taking walks around the neighborhood, which the Health District has said is okay to do as long as you keep a safe distance, and they even encourage it for our physical and mental health. We also took a walk at the Tahoma Cemetery, because we figured no one there would bother us. We did see a funeral taking place (this was about a week ago before they were banned) but we came nowhere near it and we were in fact on the opposite end of the cemetery. We got in a good walk and I also managed to get a few pictures and video to share.
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Canada Geese |
As usual, there were a lot of Canada Geese hanging around and chasing each other through the headstones. We were actually able to get pretty close to them as they seemed to ignore us for the most part. A couple of them did get quite vocal in my video, but I don't know if it was because of us or because they were involved in a mating ritual.
There was one couple that had parked themselves beside a grave, possibly enjoying the shade (although it was rather chilly so that made no sense). One goose, I am thinking it was the male, was opening and closing his mouth which made him look like he was talking to the other goose, presumably his mate. Check it out in the video below, it gave me a chuckle.
There's not much going on around the house so I snapped this picture of some of our beautiful daffodils that are currently blooming. Fanti and Mingo, our two resident flamingos, are standing guard over them to make sure no one bothers them.
I spied a definite sign of Spring in the front American Robin perched in our Thundercloud Plum tree.
Way back on March 9th we had what they call the "Worm Moon," so named because it is the first full moon in March and is supposedly when the ground begins to thaw and the earthworms come out. Well, I didn't see any worms that night but I did see the Moon. I managed to get a picture of it, although it is somewhat small because I don't have that big of a zoom lens on my camcorder. At least you can tell what it is (sorta).
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Worm Moon |
I am continuing my project with transferring pictures off of disks onto our desktop. This comes in handy for those days (like today) when I don't have very many current pictures or video to share. So without further ado, here are some pictures from wayback in 2004-2005.
In this picture below I am standing at the kitchen sink. Notice the bright yellow walls. We had lots of color on the walls in our house in Lumberton, and the kitchen was especially bright and cheerful. The chili pepper curtains were made for me by my dear friend Sheila, and I absolutely loved them! She was such a good seamstress (probably still is). The dark green and mustard-yellow backsplash was put up by none other than myself and Linda. We did as much of the renovation to this house as we possibly could ourselves, and I was so proud of all of our efforts. And we could not have done any of it without the help of our good friends Mike and Scott. They were invaluable! Love you guys!
This picture below is of Linda and Emily in our dining area. Look how young they both are! Oh my, it doesn't seem like it was that many years ago. But time marches on.
Summer Girl is asleep on the bed right now, so she is losing her spot in this week's blog to her big sister, Precious Baby, in keeping with the wayback theme. And also, you snooze, you lose.
That's all for this week, my friends. Please hang in there and continue to practice "social distancing" so we can eventually get rid of this pestilence. Join me back here again next week and I will once again report on how things are going in these parts.